Dear autumn,
Today, I am feeling a bit better. Just a bit. I no longer feel like a turtle abandoned on its back, but rather like someone had come along and rolled me over, back onto my feet as if to say, you can do it, Amy. Not 100% quite yet, but I'm getting there.
I figured that I had spent enough time cooped up inside, and that it wasn't making me feel any better, so I managed to get outside today. It was quite nice out, lovely weather. Thanks, autumn.
It's always nice to get out on a nice day, even if you have nothing planed. Just a nice walk around the neighborhood, or even to a local park. It brings joy to my heart. I do wish that I felt better so that I could enjoy the weather a bit more; maybe go for a run, but sadly, I cannot. Still coughing up a storm, and can hardly breath through my nose at all.
So, tea and more rest for me today; maybe watch some YouTube, and some Netflix, and get a bit of writing done in my book today as well.
I've recently gotten the idea for a new book that I'm very exited about, but it seems as though I have started it 20 different times and have still not quite found the right way of approaching the idea. After a while of trying though, I think I've finally gotten it right. That is a wonderful feeling; getting it right.
You see autumn, today, I have been very inspired. Getting outside and forcing myself to be happy, and out there in the world, doing something even if that something is just swinging on the swings at a local playground, has really inspired me to get some work done, despite me being sick in bed.
So I am in the process of recovering; physically and mentally. And autumn, you are making it so much easier to do that.
The nice weather has inspired me not only to work on my book, but to be more active. Living in Texas, your overbearing, stuck up, full-of-himself brother, summer, has taken over, making everyone feel like they can't do anything. Why even bother? Mean old summer's got me beat. But now that you're here, autumn, I can finally go out and run, without feeling like I'm drowning in the heat. Once I recover, I'm going to get in the habit of running every day.
I'm on the journey to recovery. And every journey begins with the first step. Mine just happens to be the step out of my own bed.
Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment telling me some things you want to say to autumn. I always love to hear from you guys! If you don't have a google account to comment with, you can always message me on social media!
If you want to read my last blog post, click here:
Fangirls, assemble!: Letters to autumn
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See y'all in my next post! Bye!!!!!!!
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