Friday, September 25, 2015

September favorites

Hello everyone!!!! Seeing as I now have some time to just sit and write my blog with no distractions, I figured I would go ahead and do this month's monthly favorites!!! Let's get started!

So the first thing has got to be gravity falls! I have loved gravity falls since the very first episode when it aired 2 years ago, but I have only just recently rekindled my love for it in picking up the most recent season.

PARAMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think this was in last month's monthly favorites, but I don't care, I freaking love this band!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite song by them right now is currently "Brick By Boring Brick." I'm kinda sad though, cause some punk stole my earbuds at school, and now I can't listen to music in school. :(

Fan fictions!!!! My friend is letting me read her Lord of the Rings fan fiction, and it is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!! I'm obsessed. It's making me want to reread LOTR... again. My favorite character, Legolas, is a HUGE part of her fan fiction, and it makes me SO HAPPY!!!!

GLOBAL GOALS!!!! If you haven't heard about the global goals, read this blog post uploaded by my friend. She does an AMAZING job at explaining exactly what it is.
Global Goals!!!!!!!!

This one isn't really a favorite thing as much as it is something that I love about the way I'm choosing to do with my life. I am very happy that thanks to all the support of my friends and family, I am embracing a drastically healthier lifestyle! This may not seem like much of a big deal, but looking back now, I genuinely cannot believe some of the things that I had been putting in my body. If you are passionate about eating healthy, or you would like to know more about it, I would like to recommend an amazing documentary on Netflix called "Fed Up." My friend recommended it to me, and it has definitely helped me realize that I should change the way I eat.

The book that I am writing!!!! (Both of them actually...) I am currently writing 2 different books. One is a realistic fiction that I am writing with my friend, and the other is a fantasy that I am writing all by my lonesome. :) I love them both so much!!!! The characters in both of them are absolutely amazing.

AUTUMN!!!!!!!!!! IT IS OFFICIALLY AUTUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW I CAN'T EVEN!!

Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment telling me some things you've loved about this past month! I always love to hear from you guys! If you don't have a google account to comment with, you can always message me on social media!

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

GRAVITY FALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I'm going to do another tag about my current obsession; Gravity falls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (aka the best cartoon ever)  Yes, I know I've been doing a lot of tags lately, but what with school and all, I'm having trouble coming up with ideas for blog posts.

1.) How old were you when you started watching the show?
I was 12! Which is absolutely amazing, because Dipper and Mabel were 12 when the show first aired! (Which... I guess they still are 12 seeing as their summer is still going on...) But yeah, Gravity Falls will always have a special place in my heart for that reason. I have loved this show since it first aired, but I have only just recently rekindled my love for the show. :) I've forgotten how amazing it is!

2.) How did you find out about this show?
I suppose I was still watching Disney channel and Disney XD ad this point, so I saw commercials for it and thought it was amazing.

3.) What was the first episode you watched of Gravity falls?
As I said, I've been a fan since the very first episode. :) And it just keeps getting better!

4.) What was your first reaction?
I thought it was kind of cute at first, and thought it was a nice change in cartoon quality from the trash they've been making on Disney and Disney XD.

5.) How did you find out about the codes?
I'm still finding out about some of them as I rewatch episodes, but if I think there may be a hidden code in an episode, I usually google it.

6.) Who is the real villain of Gravity Falls?
BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY BILL!!!!!

7.) How do you imagine the final episode?
OMG I NEVER WANT THIS SHOW TO END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I guess if it had to end, after Bill fails to destroy the world, HE DIES AND DIPPER AND MABEL GET TO STAY WITH STAN AND FORD FOREVER AND THEY ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER THE END!

8.) What will you do when the show ends?
Cry for a thousand years, and then rewatch all the episodes, crying through each one.

9.) What do you like and hate the most of the fandom?
I love that we are a very creative fandom that tries to find hidden secrets in a fantastic show, but I HATE WHEN PEOPLE SHIP DIPPER AND MABEL. THEY ARE BROTHER AND SISTER. No. Just no.

10.) How many years do you think the Gravity Falls Fandom will last?

11.)  Do you like the term Fallers?
I've never really heard of this term, therefore I have never called myself a Faller. I personally wish that we could come up with a better and more creative name to call our fans, but for now, I guess I like having something to refer to the fans as.

Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment Telling me if you guys watch Gravity falls! I always love to hear from you guys! If you don't have a google account to comment with, you can always message me on social media!

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015


My favorite holiday is quickly approaching! I will most defiantly post a Halloween blog post later on closer to the holiday, but as of now, I would like to do this quick little Halloween tag that I found!

1.) What is your favorite Halloween movie?
"It's the great pumpkin charily brown" is a family classic that we watch every year! I love my family traditions. :)

2.) On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy Halloween?
2 million!

3.) What is your fondest Halloween memory?
I have tons. One of my favorite memories is my first Halloween that I celebrated with my best friend. (Last year) We were zombies! It was absolutely amazing.

4.) Have you always been a Halloween lover?
Actually, when I was really little, my parents wouldn't let me celebrate it because they thought it was too scary... and it was. Not the monsters, or the dark or anything, it was the sketchy teenagers in our neighborhood.

5.) How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
I set up some decorations, figure out my costume, and run around in halloween stores looking like an idiot. :) Also, and most importantly, PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES!!!!

6.) Favorite Halloween decorations?
Carving pumpkins is amazing, but I like motion sensing decorations to scare the kids that walk past my house.

7.) Favorite Halloween/ fall sent?
You know that piney scent that has like a hint of pumpkin? I absolutely love that smell!

8.) Favorite candy?
I know this is basically straight up sugar which is why I don't eat it much, but candy corn is my weakness!

9.) Vampires or zombies?
Zombies! Bring it on, slow dead guys!

10.) What is your weird/ odd fear?
......I don't know. I'm slightly afraid that my stuffed animals will come to life at night and kill me... That's why they stay on the highest shelf in my room.

11.) Last but not least, do you believe in ghosts?

Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment Telling me some things you like about Halloween! I always love to hear from you guys! If you don't have a google account to comment with, you can always message me on social media!

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

The bookworm tag!!!!

Hey everyone!!!! Time for another tag!!!! Today, I'll be doing the bookworm tag! :)

1.) Do you remember how you developed your love for reading?
When I was really little, every night before I went to sleep, my mom would read me a chapter of one of her favorite books as a child. I remember her reading "The little princess" "secret garden" and "The little house on the prairie."

2.) Where do you usually read?
I like to read in my bed, curled up with a cat, in a comfy sweater, drinking coffee, while it's raining. *sigh* the thought of that makes me genuinely happy.

3.) Do you prefer to read one book at a time or several at once?
I prefer to read one at a time, though I often find myself reading 10 books at once and wondering what happened...

4.) What is your favorite genre?
Oooooohhh... I love all genres, though I love a good fantasy most of all.

5.) Is there any genre that you will not read?
I don't know... I find some biography's, autobiography's, and memoirs to be a bit boring, but then again, some of them are quite amazing!

6.) Do you have a favorite book?
This is the hardest question ever! I don't really have a favorite book...

7.) What is your least favorite book?
I don't really know... For me, if I don't like a book all that much, I read about half way through, and if I still don't like it, I stop reading it all together.

8.) What is the longest book you have ever read?
I genuinely have no idea....

9.) What is the last book you bought?
 "The scorch trials." That was over a month ago. I finished it over a month ago. :) I thought it was pretty good.

10.) Do you prefer library books, or buying books?
If I have the money, I prefer to buy my books! Books are a beautiful thing that should be personal to every individual reader! If I get angry at a book, I want to be able to throw it without worrying about breaking it and having to pay for it. If I see a part I love, I want to be able to circle it in pen. I also have a habit of reading in the bath tub, so yeah... library books are not the best way to go for me.

11.) What are you currently reading?
......I may or may not be rereading "city of bones." The mortal instruments is a fantastic series! Even though I have a list of a million other different books I should read, I find myself feeling super nostalgic and wanting to reread one of my favorite book series again.

12.) Where do you buy your books?
Usually half price books or barns and noble.

13.) Do you ever pre-order books?
Not usually... I prefer to have the experience of buying it in a store.

14.) How many books do you buy a month?
I usually end up having to go to the library to get books because I don't have the money.... so not very many.

15.) How do you feel about second hand charity shop books?
I love them! Often times, I find myself with millions of books that I don't read anymore, so it's nice to have a place to give them to. Also, if I'm in need of an older book (because I absolutely love a good classic) I usually go to one of these first.

16.) Do you keep your read and to-be-read books together?
Yeah. My books are not really that organized. Though, I do keep my favorite books that I like to reread on the shelf of my nightstand.

17.) Do you plan to read all the books you own?
This is a goal of mine, yes.

18.) What do you do with books you own that you know won't be re-read?
I either keep them anyway to remind myself of when I read that series, or I'll give it to a friend or something.

19.) Have you ever donated books?
Yup. I usually take them down to half price books or something.

20.) Have you ever been on a book buying ban?
No, I don't think so.

21.) Do you think you own too many books?
I think for a bookworm, I own a very reasonable amount of books.

Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment Telling me some of your favorite books! I always love to hear from you guys! If you don't have a google account to comment with, you can always message me on social media!

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"Fangirls, assemble!" Survey

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!! If you wouldn't mind taking this quick survey about my blog, that would make me very happy! This survey will help me know what ind of stuff to do in the future. :) Thanks, guys! It means a lot.

Here's the link to the survey:

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Friday, September 11, 2015

August favorites

So, it's now the 11th, and I'm just now realizing that I forgot to do a monthly favorites post... sorry about that. So without any further ado, I present to you my august favorites!!!!

Tyler Oakley's auguest!!!!!! My friend recently got me into Tyler Oakley's videos, and I love them!!! I really enjoyed this last auguest. I honestly don't know which collab was my favorite.

Once upon a time! I'm currently on season 3, and I'm loving it! It defiantly takes an interesting twist on well known fairy tales.

Paramore! I never thought I'd be into this style of band (the style being punk...) but I really love it! I'm actually listening to paramore right now...

Autumn!!!!! I seriously can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! Pumpkin spice lattes are now for sale, therefore it is autumn. Simple math really. September is really when Halloween season starts for me, and I love it!!!!!!!!!! I Just adore pumpkin spice lattes, but I recently discovered that I'm lactose intolerant, so I'll have to ask for soy milk in my latte... Oh well!!!

Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment telling me some things you loved about this last month! Also, send me some suggestions for what I should do for my next rant fest! I'm wanting to do another one soon, but I would like your help with ideas. I always love to hear from you guys! If you don't have a google account to comment with, you can always message me on social media!

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

#TBT throwback Thursday!

So, I found this tag, and I thought, well today's Thursday, so why not?!?!? :) Time for a little #TBT.

Before I get started, one of my friends just started a blog! It would mean a lot to me and to her if you'd like to go check it out!!!!!!!! Here's the link: Tick-toc girl blog

1.) What year were you born in?
I was born in the year 2000, which I think is pretty awesome,because the year being 2015, this year I will turn 15!  I just think that's kinda cool.

2.) Do you have any pictures of yourself from when you were younger? If you do, show them.
I actually have tons!

I was a cute little kid!

3.)What TV shows did you grow up watching?
Dora the explorer, blue's clues, Maggie and the ferocious beast, just about anything on Noggin, Between the lions, max and ruby, and so many other things!!!!!!!!!! That was the life!

4.) What did you want to be when you grew up and do you still want to be that?
When I was little and was watching Hannah Montana, I used to want to be a pop star! Then I wanted to be a vet, and then a singer again, and then I realized my true passions: art, writing, and acting!

5.) Show a video of yourself from when you were younger!
I didn't have recording devices and social media when I was really little! I come from a childhood of flip phones, and talking face to face!

6.) What were your favorite toys to play with?
I would play with just about anything, but I LOVED my Barbies. I would sometimes make them outfits out of socks or something, and put on little fashion shows.
This image is a bit blurry, but this is the EXACT Barbie house I had growing up! Seeing it in picture form is giving me all kinds of nostalgia!!!!!!!!!!!

7.) What is the most embarrassing thing you remember doing?
I remember in painstaking detail this one time in pre-school at my church, I was playing with baby dolls. And this boy walked by, and I invited him to play dolls with me. He said "No, I'm a boy... boys don't play with dolls." and I just looked at him weird, shaking my head. His hair was REALLY long, so in my mind, he was a girl. and I remember saying "No! You're a girl. Look at your hair! You're a girl!" ............I was like 4, okay?

8.) Read something that you wrote when you were in kindergarten.
I don't have anything from kindergarten, but I do have some stuff from first grade! (I will be writing it exactly how I had it spelled on the paper, but I will write the actual word in parenthesis.)

"Once a pon (upon) a time, thar (there) was a shoe on a mowton (Mountain). The shoe was yodling (yodeling) and when he was yodling (yodeling) on the mowton (mountain), an avalanche came and the shoe fell, and fell, and fell, lower, and lower."

I remember being genuinely proud of this writing.... look how far I've come!!!!!

9.) Three songs you loved to listen to as a child.
The Dora the explorer theme, "Nobody's perfect" By Hannah Montana (Interesting fact: did you know that Miley Cyrus said... and I quote, 'Being Hannah Montana was like a living hell for me.' She hated everything about it.) and anything from the little mermaid.

10.) What was one funny thing you dressed up as for Halloween when you were younger?
Albert Einstein! Long story...

11.)  Tell a funny story of something you remember happening when you were young.
I remember this one time when my mom gave me a carrot to eat. So I put it in my mouth, and I chewed on it for lord knows how long, and then eventually, I spit it out as a completely dry pile of orange sawdust on the carpet in the hallway!

12.) Are there any special things you've kept from when you were a child?
I still have my baby blanket, and a teddy bear that I got while I was in the hospital that one time when I had to get stitches on my forehead (I was about 3-4), and about a dozen other stuffed animals, all with their own story.

13.) What was something weird you used to do as a child?
I used to rub whatever I was eating in my hair! Not even kidding. Whatever it was that I was eating, it was going in my hair. Every time.

14.)  What's the scariest thing you remember that happened to you when you were younger?
I remember my grandma setting me down on a ledge at the zoo, and I was crying, because I thought I was going to fall in. I still had nightmares about it, until a couple years ago when I realized.... it was a bird cage.... they had a wire fence right behind me...... *face palm*

15.) How is the world now different from how it was like when you were a child?
The world is a lot scarier now! I have to constantly be thinking about my future, what I want to do with my life, what collage I want to go to, money, jobs, and chaotic stuff like that. If I could go back in time, I would tell young me to enjoy my childhood more, because I had it good, and that won't last forever!

Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment Telling me some things you loved and/or miss about your childhood! Also, send me some suggestions for what I should do for my next rant fest! I'm wanting to do another one soon, but I would like your help with ideas. I always love to hear from you guys! If you don't have a google account to comment with, you can always message me on social media!

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