Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Hey, internet! So so sorry I haven't posted in a while! It's been a crazy long week!
So, today, my friend and I went on a field trip to a baseball game with the fine arts at my school. Neither one of us know all that much about sports- and to be honest, I don't even know who won. I wasn't paying attention. So, we spent the whole time talking about HEADCANONS! (Aka, the best thing known to fangirl kind!) Particular Percy Jackson headcanons.
In case you're like Adam from Supernatural and you've been in hell this whole time, let me give you a quick fangirl language lesson!
Canon means that it has happened in the book/movie/TV show/manga/comic...whatever it is your into. Headcanon means its canon in your mind, but not in real life. Like, you came up with t, and it's so beautiful that you WISH that it was canon!
So here are some headcanons of mine!

Percy Jackson headcanon: (Actually thinking of writing fan fiction about this one) All the boys have a sleepover. They end up watching Disney movies and having a sing along! Percy would jam out to the little mermaid. Nico would protest singing along for the most part, but eventually, he would join in. Leo and Percy would totally be the most into it! They also do some goofy stuff like wearing onesies and doing the chubby bunny challenge in which Frank cheats by turning into a chubby bunny. The girls would come in, crashing the party. Later, they would play truth or dare. Annabeth recalls a moment when Percy tried to kiss her on the Argo 2 and fell overboard. Leo starts laughing saying "Dude, that was HILARIOUS! I still have the video of that. Lets watch it right now!" And then Percy tries to take the phone from Leo's hand as he plays the video. Leo then recalls that he made a remix parody version and plays that for them. Little did Percy know that Piper was recording this whole thing! (I have so much more for this one, hence why I have decided to make a fan fiction for it. But I'm gonna go ahead and move on now.)

Mortal instruments head canon: Magnus gets discriminated and left out of stuff cause he's a downworlder. Magnus then gets very depressed. Alec cheers him up, and if this ever became a fan fiction, it would be full of fluffy happy and sad Malec moments.

Another mortal instruments headcanon: (Writing a fan fiction about this one as well) Clary created an immortality rune for Alec so that he and Magnus could be together forever. Though sad downside to this one, Alec would outlive all of his friends other than his boyfriend...Including his parabatai... *tears*

Supernatural headcanon: John Winchester somehow manages to come back from hell (Cas, I'm looking at you) and he goes up to Sam and Dean all like "So, you slept with a demon, Sam.... and Dean! You actually BECAME a demon!!! .....That's it, I'm going back to hell."

Also, something ridiculous that is canon that I would like to point out for you supernatural fans, Dean started the freak'n apocalypse...BECAUSE OF PIE!!!!! Think about it! He loves pie THAT much! He sent Sam in to the store to get him some pie, and the demons were in there, and... well you get the picture!

"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I wasn't completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them."
Will Herondale
The infernal devices

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