Monday, July 6, 2015


Okay, do you ever have one of those days that you have nothing planed and it starts out happy, but then you decide to marathon a show and it ruins your life? And then you turn to another fandom that you're not caught up in to hopefully make you feel better and that makes you sad beyond belief? And I the only one who gets this way?
Well, anyway, I was watching Glee, and practically EVERYTHING is going wrong at the moment, and I'm not at all happy!
I also finished what has been posted of night vale today (like 2 seconds ago) and I AM NOT OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I guess nothing bad actually happened.... come to think of it, it was just overwhelming happiness, but I thought something bad was going to happen, and I got really emotional! I cried for so long! And then everything was okay, and my OTP is still cannon! YAY! And the night vale fandom is sort of on hiatus at the moment.... so that's fun...

Bottom line; fandoms will ruin your life! I shall now define my current mood in danisnotonfire gifs.

So, yeah. Hopefully that was relatable, and not at all depressing to anyone. I promise I'm fine!.... Ish.... just kind of overwhelmed with feels at the moment.... yeah.....

"Happiness can be found, even if the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light."
Harry Potter

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