Monday, July 6, 2015

Nerdy stuff I'm doing!

Sorry I haven't blogged in ages! It's been a really busy last couple of weeks. I've kind of had to be social for almost 3 weeks now, and it is driving me insane! Don't get me wrong, I love people, but too much contact with human beings for super long periods of time... it kinda wears me out.
Any way, I'm going to talk about some of the nerdy things I have done recently and will be doing soon!
So, last night, I went to Shakespeare in the park in Dallas and saw their production of Romeo and Juliet, which was absolutely AMAZING! I had read the play many times prior to this, and I am a total fangirl about Shakespeare's work! It is SO beautiful and well written. This is a picture I took of the stage about an hour or so before the production actually started:
Shakespeare in the park!

Another thing that happened was that my friend came in from New Mexico to visit! We had tons of fun while she was here, and we made these wonderful Percy Jackson T-shirts! My friend and I made these at a sleepover! So much fun!
We made one roman and one greek tee for each of us. :) This was a super fun project, and a super simple one too! Here's how to make them if you're interested:

Orange and purple T-shirts
Black and gold fabric paint
A printer
Card stalk (At least 2 sheets... maybe more if you think you might mess up)
An exacto knife
sponge brushes for painting

-find pictures of the T-shirt logos online and print them out on a landscape piece of paper as big as you can get it or as big as you want it. I used word for this, but google docs should work just as fine.
-Print the logos out on card stalk, and cut them out with an exacto knife so that you get a stencil.
-Place and hold the stencil on the upper part of the T-shirt where you want the logo to be.
-Then just use the paint to color in the logo. For letters that don't really work with a stencil (Letters with holes in them or something) Just cut out the whole figure of the letter and outline the edges with paint... if that makes sense. Sorry, not really sure how to word that.)

So yeah!

We also made necklaces to go with them! Here's what mine looks like:

Percy Jackson necklace to go with the T-Shirts we made!
For this one, I bought a necklace chain, and some wooden beads. Then, I started to paint the beads... later realizing that it would be a way better idea to sharpie them.... so if you want to do this, colored sharpies is WAY easier than paint.

Next thing I made was this infernal devices inspired necklace:
"We are but dust and shadows."  -will herondale
This is one of my favorite Will Herondale quotes! This one's pretty easy too. I bought the chain, and the little gears, and the magnifying lense (All in the steampunk section... I LOVE steampunk) And I just used decoupage glue to stick the piece of paper to the back of the glass. I used an ink pen so it wouldn't get all ruined by the glue, but I think a regular pen or a sharpie would work.

I also kinda got carried away and bought a supernatural poster for my room!
My new supernatural poster!!!
I love this poster!

Yeah, I went to Michael's, and kinda bought about $100 worth of stuff. That's where I got all my art supplies if anyone is wondering.

Okay, happy news to anyone who lives in Texas, and will be in town on July 16th! JOHN GREEN IS COMING TO DALLAS!!!! FOR FREE! I know, it seems too good to be true! I'm SUPER excited to be going! :)

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer! And are not at all anxious about it's ending like I am... It's all happening so quickly!

"Good night, night vale... good night."
Cecil Palmer
Night vale

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