Monday, July 27, 2015

July Favorites!

*Sigh* I really kinda suck at the whole "Blogging every day" thing. Any way! July is coming to an end, so you know what time it is! Time for another monthly favorites! Yay!
(Not all of these are going to be fandom related)

First thing is DEATH NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a SUPER fantastic anime that I've been obsessed with lately! It is really well written, pretty well drawn (in my opinion) and is all around just a ingeniously well thought out anime!

Next thing is red lip stick! (I know, not at all fandom related... I did warn you) seriously though, I love it!! It's bold, and it makes a statement, and I just love it to death.

Another thing that I love is steampunk! Have you ever googled steampunk Disney characters? They are seriously cool! idk why I love it so much, but it's just plain awesome!
(I'm kind of wanting to draw steampunk versions of my favorite fictional characters... let me know in the comments if you guys are interested in seeing something like that! Characters I'm thinking of are like Leo Valdez, Tessa, Will, and Jem from the infernal devices, etc.)

another thing (Not that this is anything new for me) is SLOTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idk why I find them so friggin adorable, but they are! kjfa;lsdjfakjsdf;kaj;sdfkj;ljasdlfkjl;asjd

and my final thing: RED HAIR!!!!!!!!!! I mean like REALLY red hair! I'm dying my hair bright red, so I've been googleing red hair and I am absolutely in love!

"I have two rules:
First, I'm never wrong.
Second, if I'm wrong...
Back to the first rule."
Death Note

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