Wednesday, August 5, 2015

100 question tag

I'm bored... so I'm going to do a 100 question tag!

1.) sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise! Seriously, the are so beautiful! I tend to wake up early most mornings, so I get to appreciate the sunrise as I drink my coffee. (I don't really do breakfast most mornings...)

2.) Are you mentally ill?
No. I may be slightly insane... but no.

3.) Are you physically ill?
Yes. I'm prone to pretty common migraines. (Though not many people know that... I try not to make it a big deal.)

4.) What is the most expensive thing you've bought?
My iPhone.

5.) Do you have a job?
Not yet. I'm hoping to look for a job next summer, though not many people in my area hire 15 year olds...

6.) Are you in school?
Not currently! Summer vacation! but yeah, I'm a freshman.

7.) Are you a dropout?
No. I value my education.

8.) Are you in collage?
Nope. As I said... freshman! But, I think about my future quite a lot, and I do plan on going to collage.

9.) Introvert or extrovert?
Kind of somewhere in the middle... I guess it just depends on how I'm feeling and what the situation is.

10.) What do you think when you look at your body?
Meh... could be worse.

11.) What have others said when they look at your body?
"You're 14!??! Wow! You look about 16 to me!" or "You're so pretty!" .... I don't really think so, but that's what the peeps say...

12.) Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply?
Oh, the answer to this is CONSTANTLY changing, but currently, the answer to this is "Fight Song."

13.) talk about a time in your life when you felt most alive?
Church summer camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14.) Are you confident in wearing a bikini?
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate the idea of bikinis! They are demeaning, and their one sole purpose is to show off your body. I am plenty confident, and I don't need to show off skin to prove that!

15.) can you look at people in the eyes while talking?
Yes! I feel like eye contact is one of the most important elements in a conversation. It shows respect. Though every once and a while, if I get uncomfortable or something, I'll kind of study their features. ie their nose, or their glasses (if existent) and things like that. I may just focus in on one single freckle. I do that a lot.

16.) Has anything terrible happened to you?
I don't know... I guess I'd have to define terrible. My life is pretty great, in my opinion.

17.) has anything wonderful happened to you?
So many wonderful things have happened to me!

18.) Favorite part of your personality?
I don't really know... I love myself, and I strive to be the best me I can be, and I love everything that makes me me.... I love most everything about my personality.

19.) Least favorite part of your personality?
I kind of hate that I can be a bit selfish at times. I'm kind of insecure about that, so I kind of try to do all I can to make my life about other people. I really just hate myself sometimes for being so selfish and needy.

20.) Favorite part of your body?
Either my hair or my legs.

21.) Least favorite part of your body?
We are not getting into this... I'll get to insecure.

22.) Favorite quote?
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." -Albus Dumbledore.

23.) Do you have friendships with all genders?
Absolutely! Some of my greatest friends are guys!

24.) Do you have a good relationship with your father?
Yes! Absolutely!

25.) do you have a good relationship with your mother?
Yes! Absolutely!

26.) do you have a good relationship with your siblings?
More or less.... both of my brothers are pretty socially awkward, and find joy in annoying the crap out of me. I don't really get to talk to either one of them without leaving the conversation feeling slightly offended. Though I'm sure that's not their intention.

27.) Have you ever been hurt physically/ mentally by a family member?
Physical: Play fighting with my brothers, or having an argument with them.
Emotional: Unintentional offending, or straight up teasing. (My parents too.) But I guess it's playful teasing that used to be funny, but has been repeated one to many times.

28.) Have you ever had a near death experience?
I don't think so.... but I do remember this one time when I was really little, I could barely breathe, so I kind of slowly made my way to the living room, and tried to tell my parents, but I couldn't really talk. They had this oxygen machine (Because I guess this wasn't the first time) that was made for kids, and they got me breathing again, and then took me to the shower, where they kind of made a steam room for me so that I could breathe. I don't know if that qualifies as a near death experience though.

29.) Do you know anyone who has taken their own life?
I hope not.

30.) Have you ever tried to take your own life?

31.) Biggest lie you've ever told?
"I'm fine." Seriously, I say this a lot. I'm the kind of person who will try to do everything in her power to not stay home sick. I hate people doing things for me, and I hate being treated like I need to rest when there's a whole world going on.

32.) Do you follow any conspiracies?

33.) Do you believe in a new world order?

34.) Do you respect your government and the way your country is run?
yes, I guess. I don't know.

35.) Is there currently any strife in your country?
Haha! yes

36.) Have you ever been displaced within your country?

37.) Are your friendships healthy?
The ones that matter? Yes! Absolutely!

38.) Are you currently fighting with a friend?
No, but I'm going to school expecting chaos, because I'm kind of breaking off a lot of unhealthy friendships this year.

39.) Are you jealous of a friend? Why?
Nope! Jealousy is to strong an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.

40.) Do you believe in the Illuminati?
Honestly, I don't care at all.

41.) Do you think any celebrities are associated with the Illuminati? Who?
Again... I don't care.... at all.

42.) How can people tell you are nervous?
I'll breath really heavily, start acing around, talking to myself, biting my nails, and adjusting my clothing and jewelry.

43.) How can people tell that you are sad?
I'll stop talking all together, tell people that I'm fine, and hold it in until I get home. Then I cry like there's no tomorrow.

44.) Do you ever express your true feelings?
Depends on who I'm talking to and what I'm talking about.

45.) Regrets in your life?
I don't know... I have some, I'm sure but I can't quite think of any.

46.) Achievements in your life?

47.) What did people say about you in school?
"Amy who?" "Oh... she's nice." "Great actress." "AMAZING writer." "good singing voice." "Always has her nose in a book." "that girl can draw!"

48.) What did you say about people in school?
*rolls eyes* Idiots.

49.) Is there something that you've never told any one?
I don't know... I'm an open book for the most part.

50.) Have you committed an illegal act?
yes. I forgot to wear a seat belt one time! DUN DUN DDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!

51.) I fyou had 2 days to spend one million dollars, how would you spend it?
I would give a good portion of it to charity, then I would give some to my friends, then I would shop like there's no tomorrow!

52.) What were your aspirations at age 5, 10, 15, and 18?
5- I wanted to be either a singer or a vet.
10- I wanted to be a singer or a writer.
15- (Now I guess.... even though I'm 14) I want to be an author/ actress.

53.) Describe your first kiss.
Okay.... I wouldn't call it a kiss. A guy friend and I were hanging out at his house and somehow we got on the topic of kissing. He said that he had never kissed any one, and I said the same. We were both curious, so we kind of had a practice kiss. We were in like 5th grade...

54.) Growing up were you a wealthy, average, or a low income household?
I'd say average.

55.) Are you from a broken marriage?

56.) Have you been raised by a solo parent?

57.) Do you know both your parents?

58.) What color eyes/hair/skin do you have?
I have very blue eyes, My hair was blonde, but I dyed it orangey red (and in about a week I'm going to dye it even brighter red... like the color I was originally going for red.) and my skin is pretty pale white.

59.) Have you abused drugs or alcohol?

60.) What languages can you speak?

61.) Do you conform to your societies standards?

62.) Do you cry often?
Yes. I'm a very emotional person.

63.) Do you tell people what you really think of them?
I guess it depends on the person.

64.) Are you comfortable accepting compliments?
Yes! I don't do things solely to get compliments, but any compliments given are always appreciated.

65.) Are yo comfortable giving compliments?

66.) Is any mental illness hindering your life?

67.) Is any physical illness hindering your life?

68.) Do you keep up with current events?
Not really.

69.) What's the latest news in the world you have heard/ read?
I have no idea...

70.) What have you done today?
Of course this is asked of me the day I have done nothing. Well, I woke up, had breakfast, watched the breakfast club with my family, came to my room, and went on my laptop. Later, I'm going to church, and having a sleepover with my friend.

71.) Do you sleep well?
I don't get much sleep, but I don't need much. I think I sleep pretty well.

72.) Do you sleep badly?
I don't really think so. I kind of sit on my laptop until I get tired, and then go to sleep most nights.

73.) Have you ever hurt anyone because you were hurting?

74.) Has anyone ever hurt you because they were hurting?
Oh yeah.

75.) Have you ever had to end a friendship/ relationship? Why?
Oh yeah. I would rather have one good friend than a million friends who bring me down.

76.) Have you ever stopped someone from hurting themselves?
yeah. A friend of mine was cutting herself, and I talked to her, calmed her down, told her that I was there for her if she ever just wanted to talk, and now she's doing a lot better.

77.) Has anyone ever stopped you from hurting yourself?
No, I haven't ever needed to be stopped. I have never really considered self harm.

78.) Do you like your laugh?
Not most of the time. I kind of find it annoying.

79.) Are you prepared for an apocalypse? Of any kind?
Yeah!!!!! Bring it on!!!!!

80.) Do you have any funny family stories?
Tons! But that's a story for a different blog post.

81.) Are you religious?
Yes, I'm a christian. (Non denominational)

82.) Do you like to watch true crime shows or just movies?
Sometimes... not really my genre though.

83.) Are you interested in cults?
Not at all. I find the whole concept to be disturbing.

84.) Would you like to raise your family in your country?

85.) List some things you wanted in your childhood but never got?
Disney world (Though we are planning to go this coming year!)
long hair
and to be popular

86.) Is there a large gap between you and your sibling?
No. We are all 3 years apart.

87.) Are you a blended family?

88.) Do you believe in marriage? Why/ Why not?
Absolutely! the thought had never occurred to me that people genuinely don't believe in marriage, but I personally believe in any kind of marriage.

89.) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?
I don't remember.

90.) Do you keep a journal?
*Looks at the piles and piles of journals all with a million uses* ..............maybe just a couple.

91.) Would anyone be hurt by reading it?
No. They aren't those kinds of journals.

92.) Do you have children?

93.)Have you been pregnant?

94.) List your favorite movies?
SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!!!!!!!!!! My favorite movies to watch when I'm sick or something are Annie, The princess bride, any Disney movie, or any romantic/ sad movie.

95.) List your favorite people?
My friends and family!

96.) Talk about the birthmarks and scars on your body?
I have a scar on my forehead from the time I ran into a bookshelf, and had to get stitches, and a scar coming half way up my shin from where I cut myself shaving (Really badly.... I ripped quite a bit of skin off with that one), I have a small birth mark by my right thumb, I have a round scar on my knee from when I fell while playing lazer tag, I have 2 scars on my right wrist where my cat scratched me, and on the other arm as well.I think that's it.

97.) Do you look after yourself?

98.) Do you put yourself or others first?
Usually others.

99.) Are you happy today?

100.) Are you loved?

that was fun! And now I'm not bored!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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