Sunday, August 16, 2015

How to do summer christmas

Sorry for the lack of blogging over the past couple of days, I was at my friends house celebrating summer Christmas! And now; it's story time!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna tell you how exactly to celebrate this most wonderful of holidays, or you can make up some of your own traditions! It's really up to you!

So the first thing you should do, is set up the summer Christmas tree! The summer Christmas tree doesn't have to be your traditional Christmas tree, it can just be a small little packaged tree, like the one we used:

For ornaments, we just used hot topic pins! (we actually bought a Castiel pin to put on the top of the tree, but we completely forgot about it so....)

Next thing you need to do is start a very festive fire.... on the monitor of a computer! Nothing screams summer Christmas like a non traditional fire place! 

Don't forget the Christmas hats! 

And of course, cat whiskers are a tradition for any and all of my sleepovers (inspired by Dan and Phil of course)

(sorry for the size of that last picture, it won't let me minimize it...)

Then, watch Netflix. This step is very important. (Or you know, maybe you could remember to watch the Christmas movies that you promised to watch, unlike us who forgot.)

Then go to the mall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, this has kind of a fun story! So we went into build a bear, and we wanted to make our own sound! So we had to go into the bathroom, and sing the Pokemon theme song into a little chip that would eventually go into the hand of our bear! But we didn't realize that everyone in build a bear could hear us singing! It was awesome! (Also, it only let us sing for 10 seconds, so it cut is off before we could finish the part of the song we wanted to sing) But anyway, you guys remember the book that I was writing promts of a little bit ago? And do you remember a character named Chris? WE MADE HIM AS A BEAR!!!!!!!!!! (I do not have a picture of him as of yet, but remind me and I will ask my friend to text me a picture of him)

This is now a summer Christmas tradition that will hopefully be a thing we do EVERY YEAR; risk. It is the most fun, most intense board game. I love it so much! There is quite a lot of backstabbing and trickery involved (at least the way my friends and I play it) and I love it! 

Truth or dare!

and at midnight, OPEN PRESENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then stay up til 3:00 in the morning roll playing characters from your book to come up with more ideas.

Then walk for 2 1/2 miles to eat lunch and draw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and don't forget to stupidly get in the pool in all of your clothes an hour before you leave for church.

If you follow these steps, you're sure to have the best summer Christmas EVER! I know I did!

Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog! Please leave a comment telling me some strange tradition ideas of yours for summer Christmas!

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See y'all in my next post! Bye!!!!!!!

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